Author (component available as a SaaS solution)
Create compelling, visually appealing surveys that participants will want to complete
UNICOM Intelligence Author, with its intuitive GUI and intelligent wizards, makes it easy to create simple or complex surveys. It enables marketers and survey professionals to incorporate routings and logic that encourage respondents to complete the survey. A survey created with UNICOM Intelligence Author can be deployed in any mode and in any language.
UNICOM Intelligence Author includes capabilities to help you:
Gain a guided approach to survey excellence
- Use wizards to guide you through the entire survey process, from survey authoring to reporting
- Customize example questionnaires and templates, or create your own
- Incorporate corporate style elements for consistent look-and-feel
- Create lists that can be shared across multiple questionnaires and reused in other surveys
- Preview and test surveys before they are launched to view what respondents would see
Use a methodology to suit all surveys
- Tailor questions and phrasing to suit different channels for web, telephone or mobile devices
- Create simple or complex, sophisticated surveys
- Include visual or interactive questions using sliders or calendars
- Incorporate survey routings using if, go-to, skip and fill commands
- Create and deploy surveys in any language
Collaborate and share efficiencies
- Share best practices and survey creation skills
- Use UNICOM Intelligence Author Server to allow multiple users to create and deploy surveys in a web-based environment
Create effective surveys with a powerful scripting language
UNICOM Intelligence Professional is a development environment for creating unique and sophisticated surveys. It offers a powerful, survey scripting language, based on Microsoft® technology, for creating surveys of any type or level of complexity for deployment through any channel and in any language.
UNICOM Intelligence Professional provides capabilities to help you:
Gain advanced survey creation capabilities
- Use macros, question templates, and examples at each step of the process to streamline survey creation and reuse surveys
- Create wizards for UNICOM Intelligence Author users to ensure consistency and make it easier for survey creators to add more sophisticated logic without the need of technical assistance
- Develop automated market research processes
- Use a single questionnaire to conduct global surveys with a translation utility incorporating more than one hundred languages
Build surveys with complex logic and routings
- Take advantage of advanced conditional and control logic including complex logic expressions, For Each, and looping constructs so that surveys can be as sophisticated as they need to be
- Use survey events to define customized actions such as what happens before a survey begins or ends, or define a consistent action before and after each question, making it easier to complete surveys
- Simulate and debug your web and phone interviewing environments with a powerful testing, test data generation and debugging environment.
Work collaboratively and efficiently
- Work seamlessly with UNICOM Intelligence Author Desktop and Server, allowing survey scripting experts and business users to collaborate on advanced surveys
- Incorporate and reuse functions and routines to minimize errors and save time
Data entry
A modern approach to entering survey data
UNICOM Intelligence Data Entry helps you create surveys and capture survey responses accurately and efficiently. It combines the capabilities of two products, UNICOM Intelligence Author and UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer, to minimize errors and improve the productivity of survey research.
UNICOM Intelligence Data Entry includes capabilities to help you:
Improve the accuracy and efficiency of survey research
- Capture data quickly and accurately so you can start analysis sooner and find insights faster
- Improve researchers’ productivity while safeguarding information quality
- Minimize the risk of errors that can skew results
- Simplify survey creation and the capture of survey responses
Create surveys with UNICOM Intelligence Author
- Create compelling, visually appealing surveys that participants will want to complete
- Include survey logic that makes data capture operations quicker, easier and more accurate
- Create customized libraries of questions or whole questionnaires that can be shared across organizations to ensure consistency and to reduce duplication of work
- Use single and multiple response questions, as well as matrices and grids
- Preview and test surveys before they are launched
Capture responses with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer
- Enter data quickly and accurately with a configurable, keyboard-driven data entry interface
- Batch surveys to enable many operators to key data for a single project, or to speed data entry for large projects
- Present surveys to respondents in the field using multimedia and graphics to capture data electronically – even where Internet access is not available
- Gain visibility into data entry through validation verification, including double keying
- Save data ready for analysis as an UNICOM Intelligence Data File