TapeSaver - DiskSaver is an optional component of the TapeSaver suite that allows you to free up space on DASD volumes.
TapeSaver - DiskSaver lets you select the DASD volumes that you want to use for your selection. You select candidate disk datasets, stack them to tape, and delete the original disk copy.
Free up space on your DASD volumes.
Define rules based administration interactively
Dramatically reduce number of offsite tapes
Tape dataset consolidation
Flexible, selective stacking
Scratch protection
TapeSaver capabilities designed to improve your tape storage management.
Tape dataset consolidation
Reduce number of offsite tapes
Improved efficiency from ATLs
Interactive definition of rules
Standardized rules
Unattended implementation of rules
Analysis of the effectiveness of rules
Generate pull lists
Flexible, selective stacking
Cycle Control Dataset handling
Dual copy
Scratch protection
TapeSaver supports tape robots and their accompanying software from these vendors.
StorageTek HSC
Memorex (SUTMYN) LMS