CARTS-MediaConversion is an optional CARTS component that transfers datasets from one type of tape media to another.
CARTS-MediaConversion allows you to specify the location of the destination scratch tape through the use of esoteric device names or an SMS storage class. This enables datasets to be transferred to a scratch tape mounted on a robot at a remote location or, for a library of older non-compacted tapes, migrated to newer compacted tapes by selecting device esoterics that stack datasets on scratch tapes mounted on drives that supports compaction.
Transfer your datasets from one type of tape media to another.
Convert both single volume and multi-volume datasets
Maintain the dataset's original statistics
Migrate an entire tape library in a single job or in a series of smaller jobs
Migrate a library of non-compacted tapes to newer compacted tapes
MediaConversion supports the full range of tape formats
Specify the location of the destination scratch tape
Key dataset conversion, transfer and migration features.
Data transfer / media
Data transfer / track
Data migration
Data transfer with compaction
Dataset property integrity
Large scale migration
Micro scale migration
Dynamic TMC update
CARTS supports tape robots and their accompanying software from these vendors.
StorageTek HSC
Memorex (SUTMYN) LMS