CARTS-LogicalEject is an optional CARTS component that reduces the number of tapes physically inserted and ejected from a robot.
LogicalEject reads the eject list and stacks all eligible datasets from the tapes scheduled to be ejected from the robot. Eligibility rules for LogicalEject datasets are the same as those for CARTS-TapeStacker. LogicalEject can stack datasets by two different methods:
If you have external drives, LogicalEject can stack datasets on tapes mounted on those drives. All processed tapes are scratched inside the robot. No physical ejects are required.
If you do not have external drives, LogicalEject stacks datasets on tapes in the robot. Tapes still must be ejected but the number of ejects is reduced because of stacking. For example, instead of ejecting five tapes containing one dataset each, the robot ejects a single tape containing five datasets.
In either case, the number of required physical ejects is substantially less. As LogicalEject works with your existing robot software, it is easy to implement. After LogicalEject is installed, the only thing you have to do is customize the LogicalEject control file to set the LogicalEject stacking schedule. If you want to change the criteria for ejecting tapes from robots, you simply change your existing software, just as you do now, and LogicalEject will accept the change automatically.
Reduce the number of tapes physically inserted and ejected from a robot.
Maximize robot labor
Decrease output datasets
Seamless integration with your existing tape software
CARTS supports tape robots and their accompanying software from these vendors.
StorageTek HSC
Memorex (SUTMYN) LMS