CARTS-DiskStacker is an optional CARTS component that off-loads sequential disk datasets and stacks them to tape. Datasets are selected as candidates for stacking by their name or residency time on disk.
Datasets are written to tape using standard MVS read/write functions. The MVS catalog is updated to reflect the new location of each dataset on tape. After they have been stacked, datasets are read or written directly from tape without requiring DiskStacker. The MVS catalog retains the volume serial number and file sequence number of the tape dataset. All future access to the dataset is directed to the stacked tape volume.
Datasets are deleted from DASD after they are stacked and recataloged to tape; freeing up disk space. Subsequent I/O requests are directed to tape because there is only one copy of the dataset. DiskStacker differs from other products that load datasets to disk each time they are read and then migrate it to a new tape, whether or not the file was modified.
You can distribute these reports to employees at your site to get their consent before you begin actually stacking their datasets to tape.
Maximize your removable storage media utilization.
Rapid offload of sequential disk datasets to tape
Pre stack report generation
Automatic TMC update
Simulation reporting
CARTS supports tape robots and their accompanying software from these vendors.
StorageTek HSC
Memorex (SUTMYN) LMS