
Migrate your macro level applications to CICS.

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At a glance

Comet facilitates the migration of your macro level applications to CICS Transaction Server.

Run Macro level programs under CICS/TS

Seamlessly migrate to CICS/TS while avoiding conversion costs, headaches and delays

Assembler, PL/I, VS/COBOL, COBOL II, and BMS Mapsets deployment

Dynamically attaches itself to your macro level programs without relining. All standard and non-standard API Macro level calls are handled automatically

Virtual storage constraint relief

Automatically move programs and BMS map and map sets above the 16 meg line, freeing up memory for critical applications

Mixed mode support

Handles mixed-mode (Macro and Command level together) programs

Application development tools

Supports the use of IBM's CEDF for debugging your Macro level programs

Macro level integrity analysis

Handles all Macro level calls that access the FCT, DCT, PCT, and TCT chains directly

User Exit support

CICS Global User Exits (GLUE) and by Task-Related User Exits (TRUE)

IBM LE support

Supports the latest changes in IBM LE
System requirements